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חייגו אלינו: 036450780
For CyberFlood and Avalanche
In today’s digital world, it’s essential that the performance of content aware networksand web applications are carefully assessed to ensure that business transactions and communication are not impacted. The C200 is a powerful Layer 4-7 stateful traffic performance solution in a 1U form factor that is capable of very high throughput with high-strength cryptographic and hyper-realistic application traffic. By taking up less valuable rack space, users can scale to test beds supporting multiple terabits of application layer traffic generation.
Built-in CyberFlood
The C200 comes with a built-in CyberFlood controller. Within minutes from unpacking, users can be up and running tests with the powerful, web-based CyberFlood solution, without the need for additional hosting platforms. Performance and Flexibility The C200’s 4 x QSFP28 interfaces provide connectivity for 10G, 25G, 40G, 50G, and 100G Layer 4-7 application traffic. Users can specify load variables and easily create tests with mixed traffic profiles, emulating real-world network scenarios. With builtin advanced cryptographic acceleration technologies, the C200 can meet today’s and the future’s most demanding test needs for encrypted traffic with high strength ciphers at massive scale.
חייגו אלינו: 036450780